...............in a tall commercial office building entered a car, the driver had to use horn to make sure the watchman opens the door. Anil looked at the car entering and then went back to his talks. Mukesh was sitting besides him and was in some thoughts. Anil stretched his legs side ways and it seemed he had a back ache for a few days now. Mukesh on the other hand was moving his eye pupils around.
Anil:- Dad had created this business on his own, there was no support from anyone then.
Mukesh:- Even customers were very less, market was not that growing.
Anil:- You are right brother, I respect him for all the efforts. But see what we did, we are not doing right and I think somewhere you also understand that.
Mukesh:- I think one of these days we had to talk and end of the year was just perfect, we can see what profits we made and if this is true that we have ruined things
we can always rethink and even give it a try of working on a new model.
Anil:- Brother I am so happy to hear such positive thoughts from you, I have made certain analysis for the year and would like to share with you....
Mukesh:- Sure Anil, go on I am sure you are fair in your analysis.
Anil:- We started an year back, on separate terms, but then we did not change our market, we need to work on different markets.
Mukesh;- I think I know what you are saying but can you please explain in detail.
Anil:- Yes, sure, we are trying to attract the same people, at the end of it we end up dividing our profits, so we need to rethink on this part.
Mukesh:- Are you indicating that you are going to go in a different market.
Anil:- Or you can?
There was silence for a long time, which was broken by another horn of the car trying to enter the gates.Mukesh got up, biting his lips he picked up the water bottle
lying close by. After drinking a sip of it, he got back to his seat. He looked towards Anil, who gave him an awkward smile.
Mukesh then looked at the other side, it seems he wanted to say something but was just not able to.
Mukesh:- Anil, I am really trying to control my anger, see brother this is the market where our father started, being the eldest I have to continue here but natural.
Anil:- Mukesh why are you not understanding, in the last one year, I have showed you that I do better than you in this market, and somewhere even you know that, but I am sure
I can do much more if you are not here. But more than that I feel you can start making profits again if you move your base.
Mukesh:- Your analysis is a piece of shit..................
Anil:- I think you are a piece of shit..................
Mukesh:- The year was great for me, but for a novice like you, I cannot explain profits that I made and cannot really show you the loss that you are in.......its better we stop
talking on this again.
Anil:- What the hell? So 2010 we will again be cutting each other and allow the world to see the fun............
Mukesh:- Or you can finally understand who is better................
Anil was now angry and tried to hit Mukesh, who held his hand and hit him back.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" A police man came running and used his wooden stick to stop the two beggars from fighting on the footpath outside the big building. The two beggars ran in opposite direction.The night when the market was full with people Mukesh and Anil competed against each other to get money from people. Mukesh camouflage himself as a blind person and Anil walked crippled.