Sunday, December 6, 2009

Secret Admirer

Vijay crossed the streets to get on the bus stop. Vijay looked on the watch and it was ticking near 6pm. His everyday bus, would take him home. Soon the bus arrived, Vijay pushed his Jeffrey archer book into his lap top back. He moved his waist side ways and took a deep breath. From a distance he could spot that the bus was not crowded as he could not see any standees. He got into the bus and sat on the first empty seat he saw. As his every day habit he quickly pulled the book out for reading. But from the corner of his eyes he realized that there was a girl next to him. He wished to see how she looks but then he was apprehensive. He did not want the girl to have any wrong signals. After 10 minutes, he could not stop his curiosity and looked towards his right. "" the girl hit him on his arm. "Vijay...come on man, I was waiting for you to say hi....."

Vijay:- Why didn't you say anything Sujal? I was just busy in the book.
Sujal:- So was I, I was reading it too, good book, so 3 years I suppose.
Vijay:- Yes perhaps 3 years now, and its amazing that we are still in the same town.
Sujal: Amazing since last I heard you were in United Stated.
Vijay:- Who told you? I mean, yes but recession and then fired of and back in India, well its good here after all with family and your own country.............
Sujal:- That is true, to answer your question Manu told me.
Vijay:- Anyways I am working in a multi national bank here, and wish to remain in the same office for some years, also wished to get settle down in a year or so.

Sujal smiled from ear to ear, and tapped his arm again. She looked around and suddenly remembered something. She quickly got up and asked Vijay to get aside to allow her to move. Vijay followed her orders and soon Sujal was out of the bus waving back at Vijay. In the whole process of meeting after years Vijay missed to exchange the numbers with Sujal and now it was too late. However that very night Sujal sent him a facebook invite and soon they started to chat. It was the fifth line of the chat and they already had each others numbers.
Vijay was sitting in his office and wondering what to do since he had very less work but had to complete work hours. Just then his cell phone rang. He picked up the phone and answered, " said its not possible......alright...when....6pm....I will be there.........thats fine I know the place............."At 6 pm, Vijay sat on the table sipping water and looking towards Sujal who was reading the menu card. "Do you wish to have cake...........?" Vijay frowned and then said "Sujal I think it is ridiculous........."

Sujal:- 3 years man, 3 years he is sending emails to me, what am I suppose to do.
Vijay:- It is amazing that a person can be a secret lover for such a long time....well and suddenly he asks you to meet at this place.
Sujal:- The guy in red sitting right behind me.
Vijay:- I got that, but do you remember when you met him and why did you call me?
Sujal:- Not really but then, I am not sure again, I called you since I want you t be here when I will tell the boy that I am going to be engaged soon and if he creates a scene I didn't want to be alone.

Hearing the last line from Sujal, Vijay did freak out, Sujal only laughed...she realized Vijay was not happy for the fact that Sujal did not tell him that she was going to be engaged.

Vijay:- Not fair Sujal, really I mean, anyways why didn't you call your fiancée then, perhaps he could have ...............
Sujal:- He is in Australia so, and I trust you, since you know me for a long time.
Vijay;- So what are we suppose to do now wait for this guy to make the move.
Sujal:- Yes, I guess......

After an hour, both Vijay and Sujal were exhausted and it showed on their faces. The boy in red had left, and some other people who had some red shades on there clothes had also moved out. Sujal stood up and joined her hands looking towards Vijay she said "I am give you such troubles perhaps we can leave now..." Vijay got up and then sat back again. "Sujay you continue I have an idea perhaps I can call my girl friend and ask her to join me here and we will then go on for a movie and from there I will drop her home............"
"WOW.." Sujal said not showing much interest in knowing about Vijay's girl friend. She picked her bag and moved away, it was windy day in Delhi and perhaps very less people preferred to come out hence most of the roads were empty. Vijay was wearing a jacket which he now took out, he was wearing a red tee shirt inside which had printed on it two words "Its me........"
He had no girl friend and no plans, just made it up to make sure Sujal gets no clue that he was the Secret admirer after all.He looked at the table, Sujal had left her used tissue, he picked it up and put it in his wallet. He kissed the wallet, and wiped his tears which were dripping down his cheek bones.

Vijay and Sujal have not met after that. Sujal is in Australia married, Vijay is working in the same office. He often goes to the coffee shop and has the same coffee that Sujal orders, before he drinks the coffee he pulls the tissue out and places in front of him.


  1. Oh this was such a sweet story. I do feel bad for Vijay. Poor guy. Hope he gets over Sujal n someone mends his broken heart.

  2. Nice that vijay did not mess up with a gal like Sujal n someone better will heal his wounds...

  3. Well he shud hav made a move 3 yrs back. Silly guy......

  4. Good piece of work Thumbs up.

  5. nice work.. though felt sorry for vijay he shouldnt have waited for 3 yrs to express his feeling poor fellow

  6. Thanks everyone do give the same support, for the upcoming stories
